Oct 17, 2012

Islam was founded as a community, a state and a world order

"Ever since 622 A.C, the first day of Hijrah or Islamic era, the day on which the Prophet Muhammad migrated from Makkah to Madinah, the ummah of Islam was founded as a community, a state and a world order.
It was a trans-tribal, trans-national and trans-imperial movement seeking a new definition of human identity, a new form of human association and a new order of relations between human groups.
It was not an utopian dream but a socio-economic and millitary movement, firmly implanted on earth and translating itself into prescriptions governing every aspect of human living. It sought to mobilize the whole of humankind in a concerted effort to rebuild culture and civilization on a new basis."
--  Ismail Raji Al Faruqi Al Shaheed (Rahimahullah)

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