May 20, 2015

Tawakkul (Reliance on Allah)

Written by guest writer, Umm Yusuf. Taken from MuslimMatters.

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I used to think that tawakkul was just making dua for good to happen in your life and expecting good to happen with certainty (no matter how uncertain the situation may be).  I realize now that tawakkul is also a belief in the Grand Plan of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) and that, in the worst times of your life when you think you have been abandoned, when you are tested, tawakkul is to also believe there is good in the test that you are going through…and even that test is a mercy of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala). Remember Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) loves you more than your mother does and, although you cannot imagine doing this, one day you will thank Him for giving you that test because through it you gained so many blessings.

Pearls of Islamic Scholars : Quotes [15]

Whoever fears Allah, everything fears him.  And whoever does not fear Allah, Allah makes him fear everything.  —salaf

(Read on pg 30, Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, Hasad: A Condemnation of Envy and Envious People. Tasdeeq Publishers. Doha:2010.)

"If you think Allah will not listen to your prayer because of your sins, remember the prayer of satan was accepted when he asked for more time."
-- Suhaib Webb [fb page, 08/02/2015]

May 5, 2015

Two Beatiful Lectures : Must watch for Ummah at this stage by Dr. Yasir Qadhi

Two Beatiful Lectures : Must watch for Ummah at this stage by Dr. Yasir Qadhi. Presented on September 2013

1. Reflections on the Hadeeth of the 73 Sects by Dr. Yasir Qadhi - #Sunni #Shia
2. Dealing with Theological Differences in the Real World - Dr. Yasir Qadhi

Jan 5, 2015

Pearls of Islamic Scholars : Quotes [14]

Shaykh Abdul-Rahman as-Sa'di: "Allaah showed Adam's excellence via knowledge. Knowledge is one of the noblest qualities a servant can possess." (Taysir-ul-Karim, p. 49)

​​Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah:
"Allah becomes angry if you abandon asking Him whereas the sons of Adam become angry when asked."(Madarij al-Salikin 2/98)

“Whoever complained of a calamity to other than Allah, he will not find the sweetness of obedience.”- Shaqiq al-Balkhee, (al-Siyar, 9/315)