Sep 1, 2016

Hook Up with the Quran, Allah Will Hook You Up :: Maryam Amerebrahimi

♣ originally posted : suhaibwebb dot com
Before I got married, I was given unsolicited advice on how to change in order to make myself "more appealing" to brothers. Sisters would voluntarily tell me I should be more outgoing when with men, dress more attractively to get their attention and stop being as involved with Islamic activism so I would not scare them away.

Apr 23, 2016

RE-Claim your Right on God !

I remember when I first read this write-up I several times tried to hold my tears falling but I failed. Something that reminded me my very right on my God, that I had always, I lost it and I was lost for it. I collected it from the blog of sister Shohana Akter. May Allah reward her for the reminder. For HE is the only One who can give the best of the rewards, absolutely....

Apr 2, 2016

A Sweetest Wonderful Article : Dua

Dua by Shohana [collected from her blog]
(This is from my Diary which I wrote during my stay in Medina on Umrah)
14th March. Place : Hotel Room , Medina Al-Munawwarah; Time : Near Dhur time.

Jan 17, 2016

Don't write everything you feel and realize : KSM

When u come across an intriguing piece of wisdom, u feel sort of an excitement. You feel that u know something that most of the people perhaps don't know. So u get an impulse to share it with other people. When u eventually let it gush out through your writing, your excitement dies. But if u can suppress that early excitement, you will not lose the interest on the topic. You can ponder on it and can bring out something deeper from that piece of wisdom.

-- KSM