Jul 19, 2012

Tariq Ramadan Quotes - 2

"The more I know, the best I believe. The more I know, the best I'm worshiping Him (Allah). Because, in the end Allah knows the best. But what I am trying to do by the knowledge is, to come close."
-- Tariq Ramadan [Zaytuna Guest Lecture]

"Many people comes to me to ask "which one are you first? are you Swiss or Muslim?
I reply, "silly question".
When I vote, I am a Swiss. When I die, I am a Muslim. Because, I am not gonna die with my passport! I will die with my faith. and when I vote, it is because of the passport I have."
-- Tariq Ramadan [in burke lecture]

"The discriminations that are found in the Muslim majority countries are more Cultural than Islamic.
I have always said to the Muslim women, please do not nurture the victim mentality. Stand up for your rights."
-- Tariq Ramadan [in burke lecture]

"We are not worshipping knowledge where we worship knowledge to worship God.
We should not follow scholars. they are serving the society and not to be served by the society.
Our knowledge is the means of serving God and then to serve our society."
-- Tariq Ramadan [at Zaytuna]

"I have learned that one should say "Peace!" to those who shout their hatred for one's being and presence or at one's passage."
Tariq Ramadan, What I Believe

"If there is a smoke, there is a fire, the saying goes, That is quite true,
but one should find what the fire is, and who lit it."
Tariq Ramadan, What I Believe

"The 'fires'n that produce thick, rarely innocent, often strategic smoke should therefore be scrutinized. they should be known and identified; and when they involve dishonesty, lies, or manipulation, they they should be ignored."
Tariq Ramadan, What I Believe

“Eyes to cry, lips to smile, words to understand

In the emptiness of certain nights, there are silences that speak. Behind our masks lie our sufferings, and our freedom

 Humility, our first solitude…” —Tariq Ramadan

“When you’re overwhelmed by your emotion, you listen less and you judge more. This is also the reality of the dogmatic mind.” —Tariq Ramadan

"I know that I don't know -- is the starting point of intellectual humility. ...It's tricky that when you think you are humble is when you are lacking in humility."  
-- Tariq Ramadan

“No one must ever let power or social, economic, or political interest turn him or her away from other human beings, from the attention they deserve and the respect they are entitled to. nothing must ever lead to a person to compromise this principle or faith in favor of a political strategy aimed at saving or protecting a community from some peril. The freely offered, sincere heart of a poor, powerless individual is worth a thousand times more in the sight of God than the assiduously courted, self-interested heart of a rich one.”
Tariq Ramadan, The Messenger

“Humility is my table, respect is my garment, empathy is my food and curiosity is my drink. As for love, it has a thousand names and is by my side at every window.”
Tariq Ramadan, The Quest for Meaning: Developing a Philosophy of Pluralism

“With all of my mind I have received the message, and with all of my being I obey.”
তারিক রামাদান | Tariq Ramadan

 “How can you serve the society when you know the text but not the context?”
তারিক রামাদান | Tariq Ramadan

“When we lose the ends, we are obsessed with the means. Never confuse the means with the ends.”
তারিক রামাদান | Tariq Ramadan

"You think you are humble when you are lacking in humility" -- Tariq Ramadan

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