Aug 8, 2013

Eid Night Reflections

​I just found tears in my eyes reading the words of Dr Tariq Ramadan, he told on this Eid ul Fitr. don't know why, his words go deep inside me. he is 'One True Mentor' of my life. the words he writes moves deeply inside my hearts, giving a meaning in several dimensions. truly, I get peace in this reading. It just gave me a wind in heart that I wasn't being able to find all day long. the spiritual essence I was trying to get from thinking, the words have shown me a way to find.

when I read him, I can feel the inner light of the writer, Professor Ramadan, who slowly moves through words to say what he intends. but travelling many ideas he is very well concerned about what he is trying to say, about the center, about the meaning. the center of his talks is the ONE, our Lord, our master. to love, to be loved, to bless and to be blessed.

I am often confused about my love. through a long way passing back at life, I have reached to a level where I rarely find meaning in many typical things. I sit often with me to redefine the concept of my love, my emotions. I really felt those line Dr Tariq said, prayers for those I LOVE, I HAVE LOVED.

I HAVE LOVED  part has a meaning to. people have left me, reasonable or unreasonably, naturally or unnaturally, but I had loved them once. from my heart. they are not here anymore but I owe them. they have taught me to grow. on this very moment, I show my respect to them, I pray to Allah for their safety and happiness. in the end, we shall all die.

"Life is Fragile." Love. Smile. Eid Mubarak


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