Feb 26, 2013

The Most Blessed Marriage is the Least Expensive One

Extravagance in dowry payments and wedding celebrations are all in conflict with the Islamic Law, because the most blessed marriage is the least expensive one; and the more the expenses are decreased, the more the blessing are increased. In most cases, this is a matter which falls upon the women, because it is the women who impose excessive dowries on their husbands.
Likewise, extravagance in wedding celebrations is one of those things which Islamic Law has prohibited, and it is included in the Words of Allah subhanahu wa ta'aala, Most High in Chapter 7 verse 31 which means; but waste not by extravagance, certainly He (Allah subhanahu wa ta'aala) likes not al-Musrifun (those who waste by extravagance).
We must be in accordance with Islamic Law and a person should not exceed its limits nor be extravagance because Allah subhanahu wa ta'aala, Most High has prohibited extravagance. As for what is said regarding the honeymoon, it is more evil and more hated because it is imitation of non-Muslims, and a great amount of wealth wasted by it.
 It is also causes loss in many religious matters especially if they spend it in non-Islamic countries because they return with habits and customs which are harmful to them and to their society. These matters are causes of anxiety for the Muslim community. It is not the matter if they traveled to perform umrah or to Madinah.

 - Shaykh Muhammad bin Salih al-Uthaymeen (Rahimullah)Fatawa Islamiyah- ;
The book of Marriage;Volume 5,pg.300

al fawaid

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