Apr 17, 2012

Knowing The Deep From Tariq Ramadan

And once again, when I was just deeply scratched and ragged by some of the ideas and situations of life, in the very next morning, I found a video of Professor Ramadan, I just finished a half an hour soul-searching lecture. And Yes! for Allah's blessings, I got my answers out there!! How miraculous is the greatness of my Lord, He is too sweet to send me the very meaning of my life and thoughts which was barely essential to my life.

I know while those spiritualistic emptiness puts me in the trouble, I become helpless. Professor Tariq Ramadan just taught me the very deep and essential meaning -- "Spirituality is not that we have a parallel life, spirituality is knowing the meaning". SubhanAllah!! Just brought out some ideas from his speech, I'm know calm, satisfied in my heart. May Allah bless you brother, may you live long to show us ways.

It is really important to incorporate the inner understandings with the works. Dr Ramadan was talking about "Islamic Education" -- a really big topic. But what I learned, with my little ideas, he used some terminologies on the context like learning about : Values, Freedom, Spirituality, Action, Knowing others, Compassionate and lastly Courage. It is important how courageous production we have in the end, as some human beings.

And once again in life, what I feel, spirituality is knowing about the very meaning of everything "WE DO", especially "I DO". saying the "astagfirullah, it's haram" never helped me! I welcome questioning from my level though I didn't do that in my young age. I would explain later what I learned and felt from the above stated terminologies. But now, I'm free Alhamdulillah, I have realized some meaning that was causing troubles and pains to heart.

In the end, what realization remains is, Allah SWT is the most merciful and the most gracious Who always helped me in my walks of life regardless of poor me acknowledged Him...

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