Dec 31, 2012

How to approach the Quran by Shaykh Yusuf Al Qardawi [pdf]

How to approach the Quran by Shaykh Yusuf Al Qardawi

Riyadhus Saliheen Audio

In this never been done before presentation of Imaam An-Nawaawee's widely accepted book you will find:

*Each and every verse from the Quran that starts the chapters recited in a beautiful and clear manner by Shaykh Adil Ajaawee and Nadir Qallaawee
*Each and every hadeeth read in a clear fashion by Brother Bilal Abdul-Kareem
*A brief explanation of each hadeeth read by Musa Maguire and Abu Taubah Mukhlis Robertson

English Only | English/Arabic Part 1 | English/Arabic Part 2 |
Explanation of Riyadhus Saliheen | Ibn Uthaymeen

Dec 25, 2012

A concise definition of Islamic Democracy given by Dr. Israr Ahmed

 A concise definition of Islamic Democracy given by Dr. Israr Ahmed (Rahimahullah)

1- Objections on Dr Israr Ahmad - Democracy vs Islamic Democracy --

Dec 22, 2012

Biography of Shaikh-al-Islam Imam Ibn Taimiyya

Sheikh Muhammad Musa Al-Sharif

The speaker is Dr. Muhammad Musa Al-Shareef who was born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and graduated from the Faculty of Shari`ah, Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University, in 1408 A.H. He obtained his M.A. and Ph.D. in the Qur'an and the Sunnah from Faculty of Usul Ad-Din (Theology) - Umm Al-Qura University. He is an assistant professor in the Department of Islamic Studies, King Abdul Aziz University.

Dec 21, 2012

Dec 19, 2012

We need to get over the diseases of nationalism, tribalism, different ethnicities, different languages

We need to get over the diseases of nationalism, tribalism, different ethnicities, different languages that may lead to differences amongst us, when in reality they should be a reason for our strength as an Ummah. This variety that we have, the different backgrounds that we have, the different ethnicities that we have, the different languages that we speak, should be a source of strength for us and not a source of weakness. 

Brothers and sisters, if we go back to Qur'an we'll find the answers but the problem is that we follow our whims, we follow our desires, we follow what we believe to be right and wrong, not what Allah tells us to be right and wrong. 

~ Imam Anwar Al Awlaki (Rahimahullah)

Dec 12, 2012

How to Read a Book by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

 I found it important for me to go through and all others too who are interested to be a 'READER'...

How to Read a Book by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf - Part 1 ::

How to Read a Book by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf - Part 2 ::

Dec 1, 2012

The Caliphate: A Case Study in Confusion

The Caliphate: A Case Study in Confusion
By Abdul Hamid Abu Sulayman, pp110-118

One of the best stories I've ever heard : Making a Difference?

As she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, she told the children an untruth. Like most teachers, she looked at her students and said that she loved them all the same. However, that was impossible, because there in the front row, slumped in his seat, was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard .

Mrs.. Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed that he did not play well with the other children, that his clothes were messy and that he constantly needed a bath. In addition, Teddy could be unpleasant. It got to the point where Mrs. Thompson would actually take delight in marking his papers with a broad red pen, making bold X's and then putting a big 'F ' at the top of his papers.