Sep 5, 2012

Love for the sake of Allah

Love for the sake of Allah, Stand together before Him as slave

Sep 4, 2012

Knowing Others for Judging others?

You will see that *KNOWING* and *JUDGING* are having qualitative difference in perspective toward people. If anybody is always ready to *judge* others, it is very clear in any religious perspective that he doesn't have the beauty to hold the religion, I read a quote from bible which is in memory like this, "if you go to judge others, you have no time to love them". In terms of Islaam, we are repeatedly taught "dont go for spying others" and at the same time, "only allah knows the best what is in others heart". So, to my understandings in all along my life is -- A judgmental mind is beyond any accepted level of spirituality.

In my life, when I expected someone to a level in spirituality and got a deep shock from him/her behavior, I couldn't convince me. Coz it was a great flaw in his/her attitude but it is not expected and also not *accepted* in many cases for the role/position/designation they hold.

on the other hand, when I tried to convince me that okay well, know that "nobody is perfect". It was a typical widely used *smart like* sentence but I found it is totally useless. I know nobody is perfect but while I am already in an interaction with someone, a person I know from previous days, and repeatedly same mistake I have to face and every-time I face it, I'm in need of telling me, "nobody is perfect" don't work. I was not convinced and couldn't stop being hurt.

But while I am aware of people I have around, I am loving to mix with them, communicating with them and in the mean time I figure out their limitations I experienced, I prepare myself accordingly about *dealing* their limitations. It is because I have the limitations of *tolerating* people and my *Objective* is to have a good conversation/interaction/
communication so that I can accomplish my work peacefully, efficiently. and during the time, I must be *out of judgmental* attitude and only then *KNOWING* someone will work.

hat I just said was my effort of finding a better solution, understanding to develop for my mind to deal with situations that will provide me a safeguard from being worried and getting hurt.